IRANIAN PRESIDENT A SHOWS AN INTEREST FOR THE RUSSIAN CENTER OF DIRECTION OF THE SPACE FLIGHTS MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The second day of its official visit in Russia Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami A commencee by the visit, Tuesday, of the Russian Center of direction of the space flights. The Iranian president shows a great interest for the study of the Russian experiment as regards cosmonautic. For this reason it came in the center to see there the Russian recent achievements in the field of the domestication of Space. Later, Sayed Mokhammad Khatami will intervene in front of the professors and the students of the Institute of the international relations of Moscow. The vice-chancellor of the Institute will give, in a solemn climate, with the Iranian president the diploma for the occupation of doctor of philosophy honoris caused for his merites particular as regards philosophy in particular for his design of the dialogue between civilizations. The Iranian president will have to also visit the Lomonossov University of Moscow or it will discuss with the representants the administration, professors and students. Then, the Iranian president and the Iranian businessmen which accompany it in its voyage will belong to the negotiations with the persons in charge of the Union of the industrialists and the contractors of Russia. One representant of this Union A declares has RIA " Novosti " that Russia considerait Iran like a functioning promising and advantageous of flow of Russian products. This country was to be taken very with serieux because its commercial and economic potential will be able to enable him to occupy in the future of the solid positions not only on the functioning international of hydrocarbons, but also in other fields of the world division of work. The businessmen forming part of the Iranian delegation have declares has their turn has RIA " Novosti " that the trade co-operation, economic and industrial between Iran and Russia was to be developpee in the context of the interests reciproques to be able to progress considerably in these fields. The significant one for the two countries is of creer mechanisms of financing of the concus projects within the framework of the co-operation bilaterale, and initially in the fields of energy, aeronautic constructions, the gas and oil industries, have underlines the Iranian businessmen. According to them, it is also important to reunir conditions for the ratification and the entree into force of the intergovernmental agreement of creation of the corridor of " North-South " transport. According to the Iranian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, president Mohammad Khatami attaches a great importance to the negotiations, Tuesday, with the sheik Ravil Gainoutdin, president of the Council of the muftis of Russia. " the Islamic Republic of Iran must know has which point the Moslem population of the Federation of Russia is it free in the expression of its religious feelings and in the celebration of the rites ", have underlines the Iranian diplomats.