AT THE SUMMIT OF IRKOUTSK, JAPAN ESPERE TO CONTINUE THE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE SIGNATURE OF THE DRAFT OF PEACE WITH RUSSIA TOKYO, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). The definition of " the orientation ulterieure of the negotiations " relating to the signature of the draft of peace between the two countries will constitute the major spot of a node Russo-Japanese has Irkoutsk prevu for March 25, A declares Tuesday with the journalists the Minister Japanese for the Businesses etrangeres, Yohei Kono, has the exit of a governmental meeting. It A stresses that it was inadmissible of creer " a diplomatic vacuum " because of the probable demission of Japanese the Prime Minister. Certain policies and Japanese public personalities criticize the intensive preparation by Tokyo with the meetings of Yoshiro Mori with the presidents Russian and americain, and this malgre the fact that a new president of the Party liberal-democrat to the capacity in Japan was to be elected in April which will be the head of the government. The last week end, Yoshiro Mori supported in this moment only by 6%-8% of the voters has advertisement that the elections of the president of the PLD prevues for September will take place before the date prevue.