SE TO GO UP LENIENT TOWARDS THE SEPARATISME DANGEROUS EAST EXTREMEMENT, DECLARES THE ASSISTANT OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT LONDON, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Serguei Koudassov /. to be lenient towards the separatism is extremement dangerous since the tchetchene example could have echoes in much country of the world, A declares Serguei Iastrjembski, assistant of the head of the Russian State, intervening has the conference of the Tripartite commission, a nongovernmental organization gathering politicians and of businesses known of the world. This conference ended Monday in the British capital. It is important to realize that the events of Tchetchenie representent only part of a vast process of renewal of activity which know the forces extremists with the Close relation and the Middle East, A indicates Serguei Iastrjembski. The mode which was with the capacity in Tchetchenie not only ridiculed the constitutional law of Russia by blaming its indivisibilite and its integrite territorial but also it was criminal from the point of view of the international law. According to the assistant presidentiel, Tchetchenie became a kind of experimental plot for the international terrorists and the Islamic extremists. It is there which have ete as well test technologies of demembrement of Russia as of the plans of the " personalities of the type of Ben Laden " for the whole world. The assistant of the head of the Russian State remarked in this order of idees that "il is particularly penible to note " a lack of comprehension on behalf of the international community vis-a-vis to the threats emanating of international terrorism and the religious extremism. He is sOer which has the expansion of terrorism, of the extremism and the separatism it is advisable to oppose consequent actions and resolues of the whole of the international community. " Khattab, Bassaiev and consorts are not only gangsters but also terrorists of international scale who revent to extend their commands to the whole world ", A indicates Serguei Iastrjembski. The assistant presidentiel in addition has note which the problem tchetchene could be regle only by average policies and economic. And it is has that which tighten the recent decisions of the Russian president on the reduction of manpower of the federal troops in Tchetchenie, on the institution of the government tchetchene and the improvement of the financing of work of re-establishment in progress in the republic, has it says.