THE DANISH MINISTER FOR AE SE PRONONSE FOR THE EXAMINATION OF THE PROPOSAL OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT ON THE CREATION OF A SYSTEM OF DEFENSE ANTI-MISSILE MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova). The proposals of the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, on the creation of a system of non-strategic defense anti-missile European must be registered has the agenda of the talks between the representants of the European countries, A declare Monday the Minister Danish for the Businesses etrangeres, Mogens Lykketoft, arrive has Moscow for a visit of two days work. " It is very significant that the Russian president has realise the threat emanating of the systems of armament of certain countries " and " the necessite to seek means of remedier has this situation ", according to the Danish minister. Being the position of Copenhagen relating to the projects of the United States to include the radar americain on the Danish island of Greenland in the system main road of defense anti-missile (NMD), minister A indicates qu " Copenhagen does not want to discuss the radar in Greenland yet ". **time-out** " It be not rational to speak of radar in Greenland before one have a idee clear of whole of situation ", have it say. Tuesday, it will meet the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Igor Ivanov. Maintenance will relate in particular to strategic stability and the security.