THE DECISION ON THE POSSIBLE DELIVERIES OF RUSSIAN ARMAMENTS DEFENSIFS A IRAN WILL BE MADE SOON MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski /. the decision on the possible deliveries of Russian armaments defensifs has Iran, whose means of defense against planes could be taken soon, has advertisement Monday with the journalists the Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov, at the end of the talks which has menes the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov and Iranian president Mohammad Khatami. " It is not a question that batteries S-300 ", has it indicates before preciser that " this question must be to study in the detail ". Iran does not have raises in front of Russia the question of deliveries of offensive armaments, it acted only of the defensif materiel, A underlines the Deputy Prime Minister. " It would be difficult to qualify offensive same means of defense against planes if they had to be studied has the magnifying glass ", said Ilia Klebanov. The Deputy Prime Minister does not have precise the date of signing of possible contracts by stressing that it was it " an overall problem ". He has in addition indicates that the relative questions has the realization of the agreements Russo-Iranian signs before 1996 " currently emerge ".