THE RUSSIAN RESCUERS WILL BRING THEIR ASSISTANCE A THE UKRAINE FOLLOWING ABUNDANT RISINGS IN ITS WESTERN AREAS MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Iouri Ioumachev /. the Russian ministry of the emergency Situations will grant a humanitarian aid has the Ukraine whose Western areas face has risings devastatrices. According to the service of press of the ministry, two convoys of trucks will leave Tuesday the town of Noguinsk, has 60 km has is of Moscow. In two days, they will arrive has Oujgorod, town of Western Ukraine. The Russian trucks will convey 150 tons of humane cargoes of which foodstuffs, covers, pumps mecanic and other goods of premiere necessite. The rivers have floods in Western Ukraine of tens of localites and significant agricultural surfaces. Several people already died in these risings.