THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF BUSINESSES ETRANGERES STUDIES THE SITUATION AROUND RUSSIAN PECHEURS ENLEVES A SOMALIA MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres takes all measurements necessary to get informed about the state of the things reel concerning the two fishing vessels hail by a group arms in the south with Somalia. According to information preliminaires and non-confirmees, among the members of crews of the boats appear eight Russian nationals and twenty Kenyans. " It is all the more difficult to obtain veridic information considering the absence of a central government in Somalia since 1991, which would ensure an effective control on the whole of the territory of the country ", A declares the Department of the information and the press of the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. There are not Russian representations in Somalia and the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres coopere with " the autorites of Kenya, other countries of the area and structures appropriees of UNO " to have information, according to the Department. Moscow immediately starts from " the necessite of liberer the pecheurs without conditions preliminaires ", A underlines the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres.