THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF FEDERATION A EXAMINES " COMPLEX PROBLEMS " WITH THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Balynina). Several " very complex problems " which will be debattus holds the meeting on March 14 of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament) have ete examine by Russian president Vladimir Poutine and the president of the Council of the Federation Egor Stroiev during their meeting which took place Monday evening. Egor Stroiev in A informs the journalists. Among these problems, Egor Stroiev A quotes the law on the amendments has to bring to the budget-2001 so that Russia can pay the debts exterieures, as well as the law on the granting of the pensions. According to Stroiev, it also has examines with the president the results of the recent voyage carries out by an official delegation of the Council of the Federation in Romania and tcheque Republic. It A qualifies these results of " very profitable ". The voyage of the delegation of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament in Romania and tcheque Republic can contribute to the return of these countries in the Russian economy, estimates Egor Stroiev. " Romania and the tcheque Republic do not want to only live in friendship with Russia, they want to also reconsider the Russian market ", has it underlines.