PAVEL BORODINE A OF THE CARDIAC PROBLEMS MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Chichlo /. the executif secretary of the Union Russia-Belorus, Pavel Borodine, which is detenu, at present, in federal prison of Brooklyn, has New York, has problems of health. Like RIA " Novosti " in A ete informee, Monday, aupres of Ivan Makouchok, spokesman of Borodine, the executif secretary of the Russia-Belorus Union does not go well, has cardiac problems and keeps same the bed these the last two days. According to Ivan Makouchok who had, today, a telephone conversation with the executif secretary, considering a deterioration of the physical state of Pavel Borodine, it will undoubtedly act of its medical examination. As bring it back to the journalists Genrikh Padva and Eleonora Sergueieva, lawyers of Borodine, the administration of the prison of Brooklyn A authorizes the doctor of the Russian embassy has to visit their customer. In same time, the lawyers are alarms by the fact that, one of these days, this same administration A refuses to inform them of the physical state of Pavel Borodine. According to Padva, last Saturday, Borodine smelled itself badly and A breathes, during two hours, using an oxygen balloon. Defense will insist has what its customer either examines by the doctors of prison, but more especially by specialists.