RUSSIAN THE PRIME MINISTER SATISFIED OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIALOGUE RUSSO-IRANIEN MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski). Russian the Prime Minister, Mikhail Kassianov, are satisfied with the rates/rhythms of development of the political dialogue and the co-operation between Iran and Russia in the payment of the international questions, regionales and bilaterale. It it A declares Monday during a meeting with Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami. Moreover, the turnover between the two countries is " very modest " for neighbors, A underlines Mikhail Kassianov, although it has increases by 20 percent into 2000. The co-operation in industry petrogaziere, the energy electric one, the construction of planes and other sectors dregs has the production of the technical equipment, could contribute has the growth of the turnover, has note the Prime Minister who considere prospects for partnership in these fields like " very good ". " We has been very satisfied with Your visit, said Mikhail Kassianov while addressing ourselves has Mohammed Khatami, it is the premiere visit of such a high level for 27 years ". The results of the talks of the Iranian president has Moscow " give a serieuse impulse to the reinforcement of the bilateraux links between Russia and Iran ", of the opinion of the Prime Minister. Of his dimension, Iranian president A draws the attention to the total problems and the principles of the international relations. " the world of today needs a news idee of what this master key ", estimates it. The international relations must be guided primarily on the principle of the equite which would replace the instruments of force, of the opinion of the Iranian part. " the large country which is Russia " can think in the future of the humanite and to play a significant role in its becoming, A underlines Mohammad Khatami. Being the place of Russia in the world community, Iranian president A indicates that Russia A cherchee " with much of perseverance " and has it trouvee " by creant its way towards a radiant future ".