THE TURNOVER OF THE TRADE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN WAS INTO 2000 OF 600 MILLION DOLLARS MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko). The turnover of the trade between Russia and Iran was into 2000 of 600 million dollars, let know the ministry for the economic Development and the Trade of the Federation of Russia. According to estimates' of the experts of the ministry, the trade enters the two countries accroit in a stable way lately. The year derniere, Russian exports to Iran are chiffrees has 550 million dollars, against 416,7 million dollars in 1999. The imports coming from Iran reached, into 2000, 50 million dollars, but this index is a inferior has that of 1999 (69,6 million dollars). According to experts' of the ministry, the machines and the goods of equipment constitute more moitie Russian exports towards Iran. Russia also provides metaux ferrous ore, manures, pastes and papers on the market Iranian. The foodstuffs - nut, fruits, juice, pasta products - and the tobacco are the principal articles of the Russian imports coming from Iran.