THE FORUM " HIGH TECHNOLOGIES OF THE MILITARY COMPLEX " OPENED A MOSCOW MOSCOW, February 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edoaurd Pouzyrev). The Second international forum " High technologies of the military complex " opened today has Moscow. The requests for participation in the symposium have ete deposees by approximately 250 Russian organizations of 22 areas of the country, that is to say twice as much as to the first forum in 2000, said Alexandre Ermolaiev, secretary of the Steering Committee of the forum, with the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ". Scientists and organizers of the production of the countries of the " close relation " and foreign " distance " will take part has the conference. During the preparation of the forum-2001, a particuliere attention has ete accordee with the tightening of the contacts interetatic and interregionaux, has the participation of the potential investors has the national production, has the implementation of the interessants projects and effective in military industry and the civil productions. According to Ermolaiev, during the 4 days of the forum, there will be the presentations of the projects of investment and technologies in the sectors " Aviation and cosmonautic ", " Energy ", " Biotechnology ", etc. There will be also an exposure of samples of promising products has to present on the steps interior and exterior.