THE REPUBLIC OF THE TATARSTAN AWAITS THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT KAZAN, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vladimir Chevtchouk). The president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami which east arrives Monday in official visit to Russia is awaited has Kazan, capital of Tatarstan (republic on the Volga forming part of the Federation of Russia), has advertisement Timour Akoulov, adviser of State of the president of Tatarstan for the international problems, director of the Department of the relations exterieures of the Republic. According to him, Khatami will arrive on March 15 has Kazan after its stay has Moscow and has Saint-Petersbourg. These last months, of the Iranians have visit twice the capital of Tatarstan and the president of the Republic Mintimer Chaimiev their A asks to transmit his oral invitation to president d' Iran has to go in visit has Kazan, let know Timour Akoulov. The invitation has ete acceptee. The Iranian president will accomplish a study trip and will be accompanies by several Iranian ministers, in particular of the Minister for Oil, said Akoulov. " Tatarstan has its interests in the exploitation of the oil reservoirs in Iran ", A underlines Timour Akoulov.