TATARSTAN A ACHETE OF THE BUSES OF THE SURROUNDINGS OF MOSCOW, INSTEAD OF THE BUSES TURKS KAZAN, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vladimir Chevtchouk). Conformement with the contract concluded with the Department from transport from the Republic from Tatarstan (republic situee in the area of the Volga forming part of Russia) will provide about June 2001 100 buses of a new model to Tatarstan. Tatarstan will achetera 50 buses has three gates for the city and 50 buses have two gates for the suburbs. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee by the Department of transport of the republic. According to the contract, the republic will receive 25 buses per month. The first batch has ete already transmitted in March to Tatarstan. Until A lately, Tatarstan has achete of onereux " Mercedes " of Turkish assembly, then it has factory of the buses of the mark " Carossa " by buying parts detachees in Tchecoslovaquie, but they were not advantageous.