VLADIMIR POUTINE AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE FEDERATION HAVE SPEAKS ABOUT A MOTION OF CENSURE TO THE GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Maria Balynina /. the President of the Federation of Russia, Vladimir Poutine, received, Monday evening, in the Kremlin, Egor Stroiev, president of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament). The two men have speaks, inter alia, of a possible motion of censure to the government on behalf of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament). RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee by Egor Stroiev itself which intervened, today, in front of the journalists. According to this one, the President does not see anything abnormal in this process which can take place has any Parliament of the world. In same time, Egor Stroiev is completely persuades that one should not in no case to push has the extreme and to sacrifice has the policy the stability and the processes of construction in the company. " the hatives declarations are undoubtedly not the best way of working ", has it notes. That known as, Egor Stroiev A supposes that a motion of censure is not finally portee by the Lower House. At all events, estimates the president of the Upper House of the Parliament, the Council of the Federation cannot, obviously, not be held has the variation of all these processes. This is why Egor Stroiev A speaks, today, on this subject with Guennadi Ziouganov, leader of the group of the Communist Party of the Federation of Russia (PCFR) has Douma, has which returns precisely the initiative of a motion of censure to the government on behalf of the Lower House of the Parliament. It would have request has Ziouganov if " contradictions were, indeed, therefore deep ". This evening, Stroiev plans to also speak about it with the leader about another group about deputes has Douma, and more precisely with Boris Gryzlov, head of the group " Unit ". " I espere that by combining our efforts, we will end up finding the possibility of not froler a critical point ", said in conclusion the president of the Council of the Federation.