IN THE OPINION OF OPEC, IRAN ESTABLISHES THE PARTNERSHIP WITH RUSSIA OUT OF COUNTERWEIGHT A THE EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE AREA VIENNA, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Borislav Petchnikov). The current visit of president d' Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami in Russia, premiere since the Islamic revolution of 1979, is interpretee by the leading mediums of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) like " the establishment of the partnership with Moscow as counterweight has the expansion americaine in the area ". According to the information of the susmentionnes mediums, the oil reserves strategic in Central Asia, the deliveries of armaments and the problems of the electronucleaire will be the principal subjects of the negotiations Russo-Iranian women, cable the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ". The establishment of the close connections between Russia and Iran is the natural result of our vicinity, as well as an answer has the pressure exercee by the Occident on Iran, second crude oil producer, A declares Elahe Kulaye, expert of the Russian questions and depute of the Iranian Parliament, has the visit day before of the Iranian president in Russia. The fact that Teheran attaches a great importance to the development of the contacts with Russia, inter alia, in the field of energy, east confirms by the arrivee has Moscow, with Mohammad Khatami, of the Iranian Minister for Oil Bijan Namdar Zanganeh. During talks with his Russian colleagues, it intends to learn their attitude towards the possible decision from the 11e conference of OPEC has Vienna on the reduction of the quotas of extraction and of export of the crude, estimate the experts of OPEC. Moreover, Khatami and Zanganeh intend to examine has Moscow the relative problems has the Caspian one and to work out the joint position, in order to subject it has the examination of other bordering countries of the Caspian one. The experts of OPEC point out that as well Teheran as Moscow are anxious extension of the Islamic movement sunnite of the " Taliban " in Afghanistan. In the opinion of Iran Shiite, this movement represente a danger not only for the Occident, but also to the Moslem East.