THE DECLARATION OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT ON THE FINANCING OF REFORMS LEGAL MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Natalia Gorbounova). Russian president Vladimir Poutine has load the government to work on the questions related with the additional financing of reforms legal in Russia. He it A declares Monday during a meeting of the cabinet of the ministers whom he had convenes in the Kremlin. The president has rappele that it had had Sunday a meeting with the persons in charge of the Arbitration court and the Supreme and Constitutional Course of Russia, consacree has reforms it legal and with the improvement of the legal system in Russia. The results of the meeting temoignent that " work in this field will require additional funds ", according to the president. Vladimir Poutine has request has this occasion which the economic departments of the government take share has this work and inform it of the necessary amount.