THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE DEMENT INFORMATION ACCORDING TO WHICH MOSCOW WOULD ACCEPT THE EXTENSION OF NATO MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian ministry of Defense has dementi information according to which Moscow would have accepts the extension of the Alliance of the North Atlantic and admitted the existence of a threat missiliere in Europe. The head of the Department of international co-operation of the Russian ministry of Defense, the general one of body of armee Leonide Ivachov, A declares Monday in front of the journalists that " Russia considere always the extension of NATO towards the East like a danger to his security ". It is " what is known as without ambiguity in the new military doctrines of the Federation of Russia like in the Russian proposals concerning the European anti-missile defense of success ". " All that one says on this subject has Washington and in the capitals of the European countries members of NATO corresponds has reality, nothing to say moreover, pointed out Leonide Ivachov. The position of Russia concerning Draft ABM (anti-missile defense) of 1972 rests on the maintenance and the respect by the parts of all the clauses of the document susmentionne and the achievement of the commitments which they undertook ". Leonide Ivachov A in addition states that the premiere stage of the creation of the system of anti-missile defense European of success, consistent A " to define the character and dimensions of the deployment of the missiles and the danger of their use counters European States ", revet a very great importance in the Russian proposals. From this point of view, the Russian part proposes determiner measurements has to take in order to neutralize the threats missilieres, if those emerged, measurements which should initially be of political nature, diplomatic and different nonmilitary. If these nonmilitary means are not averaient has same anihiler the threats missilieres emanating from unspecified States, then in this case only it would be necessary to pass has the second stage of the Russian proposals, has to know the study of the system of anti-missile defense European of success. Leonide Ivachov has releve that Russia was prete has to take part with other States, not only European, has the realization of the second and the third stages of the formation of European system ABM if that becomes essential. " Russia has all the means of fight against the ballistic missiles nonstrategic, and us sums lay out has to join them has those of the other States to neutralize the threats which can plane on Europe at the XXI-3rd century ", said the general one. Military person in charge A stresses that Russia proposed to work on problematic the missiliere not only with the Member States of NATO, but also has the whole of the European States, and that so as to exclude any cleavage. " Today we do not feel any threat missiliere for the European States ", concluded Leonide Ivachov.