A DELEGATION OF CYPRIOT MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT IS ARRIVEE A MOSCOW NICOSIE, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. a delegation of Cypriot members of Parliament with A his tete the president of the Room of the representants, Spyros Kyprianou, is arrivee has Moscow in four days visit. The Cypriot elected officials will be recus, in the Russian capital, by the president of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), Guennadi Seleznev, and will meet the heads of the groups of deputes and of the political movements has the Lower House, as well as the members of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament). The delegation of Cypriot members of Parliament will also have, has Douma of State, a meeting with the direction of the group of the friends of Cyprus. Before taking the plane has destination of Moscow, Spyros Kiprianou A declares that Russia constituted a " very significant factor " in the international efforts tending has resoudre the Cypriot problem, and that, without Russia, no solution was quite simply possible there. Also, the president of the Cypriot Parliament proposes it to examine with Guennadi Seleznev the problem of Cyprus, by considering ways has to take for the co-operation of the two Parliaments to make progress the payment has Cyprus. Spyros Kiprianou held has to stress that the process of payment of the Cypriot problem, problem going back to long years, should associate all the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations, while esperant that the participation of Russia would be from now on much more active there. According to the head of the Parliament of Cyprus, such contacts make it possible to reinforce the interparliamentary links, but more especially to intensify the co-operation bilaterale as a whole.