A HIGH PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE EVOKES ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The proposals of Russia concerning the European anti-missile defense of success (ABM) are diametrically opposees with the intentions of the United States of deployer a national system ABM. It is what the head of the Department of international co-operation of the Russian ministry of Defense, the general one of body of armee Leonide Ivachov, A declares Monday during a point of press. According to its remarks, the Russian proposals in the field of the European anti-missile defense of success " do not lead has the violation of international engagements in this field, it is a sphere legale of the co-operation in the fight against the ballistic missiles nonstrategic ". In same time, according to general Russian, the United States got busy has detruite the Draft ABM of 1972, fundamental document on which rests strategic stability. " the realization of the anti-missile program americain of defense will menera has the rivalite between the systems of defense and of attack and this process could have a negative impact on the limitation of the conventional armaments ", A underlines Leonide Ivachov.