MOHAMMAD KHATAMI A INVITES VLADIMIR POUTINE A SE TO RETURN TO IRAN MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami A invites his Russian counterpart Vladimir Poutine has to go to Iran. He has it advertisement Monday has a press conference at the end of the talks Russo-Iranian. The presidents of the two countries have load their Ministers for the Businesses etrangeres to concert the dates of the future visit, let know the head of the Russian diplomacy Igor Ivanov. Vladimir Poutine A qualifies the results of the meeting with the Iranian president the satisfactory ones. Iran is one of the countries cles of the area, according to the Russian leader. The relations Russo-Iranian women are a remarkable factor of the international relations, has note the Russian president. During the meeting, the presidents are in particular lean on the economic relations. They have ete agreement on the necessite to diversify the bilateraux economic links. That concerns before all the co-operation in the energy one, aviation, the advanced technologies, the construction of the energy works and of the power stations in Iran, A indicates Vladimir Poutine. Russia and Iran propose to promote their relations bilaterales while basing themselves on the international standards, has it says to conclude.