ALBANIANS OF FAVORABLE MACEDOINE A OF THE RADICAL POLITICAL CHANGES IN THE COUNTRY BELGRADE, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine /. the Albanian population of Macedoine decides always more firmly for political changes in their favour. Thus, one third Albanian party, National-democrate, which has ete institutes last Sunday, requires, in its statutes, to make modifications has the Constitution of the country in order to make a federation of it, to grant the statute of official language has Albanian and of reserver to the Albanians of the quotas in the official establishments. They are the most radical requirements of the Albanians of the country. Kastriot Hadzireda, former civil servant of another Albanian party, of democratic Prosperity, was put has the tete this new formation. Two days ago, the Albanian extremists called the international community has to go intermediaire in the payment of the differends between " the Albanian minority and the Slavic majorite " of Macedoine. Supposedly " the armee of release national ", Albanian, forwarded to the redactions certain Western mediae its claims. The transformation of the country of federation, reads one in this message, " arreterait the discrimination of the Albanians in the bodies of the capacity of all the levels, in the scientific and cultural establishments, like in the mediae ". The extremists also require the release of all the " political detenus ". The representants of the "armee " also decide for a census of the population intends has to determine " the exact number of the Albanian residant in the country ". One could not exclude, consider the analysts local, that the Party national-democrate is the political wing of supposedly " the armee of national release ", that which has caused for one month of the clashes weapons with the soldiers in north macedonien, has the border with the Yugoslav province of Kosovo.