EX-PRESIDENT ELTSINE IN CONVALESCENCE AFTER A STRONG COOLING MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Natalia Gorbounova /. ex-president Boris Eltsine is currently has the residence of State has Barvikha, not far from the capital, and " there will sejournera as much as it will be necessary for its full rehabilitation " after a strong cooling of which it has ete victim, has advertisement the head of the protocol of the ex-president, Vladimir Chevtchenko. According to him, Boris Eltsine, who has leaves the hospital the day before, " goes well and promene in the open air ". The president in place, Vladimir Poutine, who is alle has Barvikha Monday, discussed with Boris Eltsine during half an hour, still has it indicates. The head of the protocol of the former head of State in addition has resolument dementi information which again appeared on Internet on a " critical health " of the first Russian president.