CO-OPERATION TECHNICO-MILITAIRE WITH IRAN MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Vladimir Poutine A confirms that Russia intended to continue the co-operation technico-soldier with Iran " without depasser the framework of its international engagements ". The head of the Russian State A declares during the press conference which was held has the exit of the negotiations with the president of Iran Sayed Mohammed Khatami. Iran pretend not to acquire the armaments which " depassent the framework of international engagements of Russia ", and Moscow does not intend to violate its engagements, A underlines Vladimir Poutine. According to him, the requests of the Iranian part adressees to the Russian producers " relate to the armaments defensifs ". Moscow estimates that Iran has the right to ensure its safety. As for Russia, " it is interessee has the co-operation technico-soldier for economic reasons ", A declares the head of the Russian State. " the political considerations resument has this: Iran must be a State independant and able to ensure its safety ", said Poutine. These considerations are has the base of the co-operation technico-soldier Russo-Iranian woman, pointed out the president. Vladimir Poutine has rappele that Russia was one of the largest exporters of weapons. Although Russia " does not occupy the premiere place in the world (for the sales of weapons), it comes in premiere position for quality from the weapons ", A underlines the president.