THE PLASTIC BOMB ATTACK OF THE BUILDING OF BOUINAKSK: SHOW PLEAD NOT CULPRITS MAKHATCHKALA, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dekabr Beiboutov). With the lawsuit of the presumes authors of the plastic bomb attack of a residential building of Bouinaksk, which deroule has the supreme Court of Daghestan (republic forming part of the Federation of Russia), accuse them have in their derniere declaration pleads not culprits. Monday was held the derniere goes down for hearing lawsuit concerning the attack has the explosive perpetre on September 4, 1999 against a dwelling house of Bouinaksk and which had made 58 died and more than one hundred wound. During this audience Issa and Zainoutdine Zainoutdinov (the father and its son) as Makhatch Abdousamedov have pronounces to them derniere declaration. They have plead not culprits and indicate that their consents had ete obtained under the pressure of the instruction. Previously the same tactics had ete adopted by Alissoultan Salikhov, Abdoul Kadyrov and Magomed Magomedov. In their derniere declaration, March 6, they had pretendu not to have participle has the terrorist attack. At the time of former DEBATES, the public prosecutor had reclame the capital punishment for Zainoutdine senior and Alissoultan Salikhov, and of the sorrows of 20 A 25 years of imprisonment for the others show. The court will return its verdict on March 19.