THE TWO SUSPECTS TO HAVE ASSASSINATES YOURI VLASSOV GIVE THEIR VERSION OF THE FACTS MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Guennadi Lissenkov). Two young suspect people to have assassinates the head of the Department of justice of the area of Moscow Youri Vlassov pretendent that they have perpetre this crime to put a term, has what they pretendent, " has of the nontraditional sexual relations to which they were subjected ". It is what RIA " Novosti " learned Monday with the service from press of the department of the Interior of the Northern administrative district of Moscow. One representant of the service of press A stresses that the examining magistrates did not have for the moment not evidence confirming the statements of the suspects. Of another dimension, their consents are not yet a proof of the crime. This is why the investigation continues in other directions. The bodies carrying of the traces of tortures of Youri Vlassov and his driver Viktor Grouzdiev had ete decouverts Saturday in the apartment of the head of the Department of justice of the area of Moscow. Evgueni Karpov, 18 years, and Evgueni Konkov, 19 years, have ete challenge less than twenty-four hours after, the police officers having notices their number registered on the " telephone informer " of Youri Vlassov.