THE TALIBAN HAVE PRACTICALLY ACHEVE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE STATUES OF BUDDHA ISLAMABAD, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vladimir Schreter). The taliban have practically acheve the destruction of two single statues of Buddha, in the Afghan province of Bamiyan, A declares has Kandahar the spokesman of the taliban Abdul Hayee Mutmaen. " Let us say that the statues do not exist any more ", said an Afghan civil servant, before adding that Sunday these statues have ete detruites has 90%. Up to now, no journalist nor international observer still has reussi has to visit Bamiyan to be convinced of the disaster. With its held press conference the day before has Islamabad, the Minister for the Businesses etrangere of the mode of Kabul Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil promised that the taliban would let become the journalists has Bamiyan after having entirely detruit the statues in question. The international community and the leaders of tens of country, Moslems including, insist on what the taliban arretent the vandalism campaign in their country. A delegation of Egyptian monks of the celebre university Al-Azhar led by the mufti Nasr Farid Wassil is arrivee Sunday has Kandahar to try to convince mollah Omar to cancel the decree on the destruction of the monuments anteislamic. The Foreign Minister of Katar Ahmed Al-Mahmud, who is has Kandahar to him-also, mene in the name of his government and of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic conference, of the negotiations with the taliban for arreter destruction of the cultural monuments of universal importance.