VLADIMIR POUTINE A OFFERED TO THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN HIS BOOK PUBLISHES IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Before the beginning of the official negotiations with the Kremlin with the president of Iran, Russian president Vladimir Poutine has felicite Sayed Mohammad Khatami has the occasion of New Year's day (according to the Moslem calendar) and of the Moslem fete of the immolation which ended. Sayed Mohammad Khatami is well-known in Russia, said Vladimir Poutine by stressing that "un delivers of the Iranian leader comes from paraitre to Russia ". According to Vladimir Poutine, this book is interessant not only for the Moslems, but also for many other readers. This book contains philosophical reflexions on the relationship between civilizations, the East and the Occident, which is a current subject. Vladimir Poutine offered has Sayed Mohammad Khatami his book publishes in Russia. For its part, the president of Iran said that the words of Vladimir Poutine " translated the Russian bonte ". " I am happy of this occasion to visit your country good and beautiful ", A declares Khatami which A expresses the hope which its visit will be profitable. The meeting is held in presence of the assistants of the presidents of Russia and Iran, in particular of Serguei Prikhodko, assistant head of the Russian presidentielle administration.