THE COUNCIL SUPERIEUR OF THE MAGISTRATURE OF RUSSIA EXAMINES QUESTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES TCHETCHENES MOSCOW March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Natalia Byrkina). The Council superior of the magistrature of Russia should examine Monday the question concerning the appointment of fourteen judges who will be appeles has to work in the legal system of Tchetchenie. These judges will join the 22 judges who exert already in this republic. All the judges are of nationality tchetchene and before 1996 they were employes in the legal system of the republic. They had ete constrained to leave Tchetchenie after the extremists had institutes the Islamic courts of the charia. Ten courts of district and the supreme Court of the republic currently function in Tchetchenie. The judges have starts has to exert has the end of the year derniere. During this period several hundreds of decisions have ete returned within the framework of civil cases and penales. Approximately 6 000 files are has the study. These courts are in the districts more sOers of the republic, has to know those of Chali, Naouri, Nadteretchny and Goudermes. Two other courts will be soon open in the districts of Vedeno and Nojai-Yourt. It is there which the judges lately name will take up their duties. On the whole, 16 courts will function in the republic and their decisions will be returned by 57 federal judges. The Council superior of the magistrature of Russia will siegera during three days.