ANOTHER CANDIDATE BRIGUE THE POST OF GOVERNOR OF THE PRIMORIE VLADIVOSTOK, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Larissa Beloivan). The first assistant of representant plenipotentiaire of the Russian president in the extreme-Eastern federal Area, Guennadi Apanassenko, has informs officially the electoral Commission of the territory of Primorie which it presenterait has the election of the governor of this subject of the Federation of Russia. It is what RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from the territorial electoral commission. Guennadi Apanassenko is does not have Vladivostok, it A finishes the extreme-Eastern School of the naval engineers there. It A works in the capacity as mecanician has edge of ships of the maritime Electronic mails of the Russian Extreme-East, then like adviser technical with the shipyards Slavianski and general manager of the repair Shops of ships has Sovietski Gavan. It assumed these dernieres functions when the governor of the territory of Khabarovsk (close to the primorie), Viktor Ichaiev, him A proposes to become his first assistant. Thereafter it has ete names first assistant of representant plenipotentiaire of the Russian president in the extreme-Eastern federal Area, Konstantin Poulikovski. Presentement the post of governor of Primorie is brigue by fourteen candidates. One finds among them the general manager of the maritime Electronic mails of Primorie, Alexandre Kirilitchev, who is also member of the territorial legislative assembly and had ete the principal adversary of the ex-chief of the administration of Primorie, Evgueni Nazdratenko, at the time of the elections of December 1999, the ex-mayor of Vladivostok, depute has Douma (Lower House of the Parliament), Viktor Tcherepkov, the leader of the local organization of the Communist Party and depute has Douma, Vladimir Grichoukov. The old first adjoin of the commander as a head of the Russian navy of war, the admiral Igor Kassatonov, as has declares to him as it is presenterait has the election of the governor.