A MEETING OF SOEC A VIENNA ON THE SITUATION CONCERNING THE DEFENSE OF THE HUMANS RIGHT IN EUROPE VIENNA, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Borislav Petchnikov). The Hofburg palate of Vienna accomodates today a two days meeting of the Organization for the security and the co-operation in Europe (SOEC) consacree has the relative situation has the defense of the humans right in Europe, learned RIA " Novosti " with the secretariat from the SOEC has Vienna. With the agenda appears the guarantee of the basic rights has the expression and with the activities of the mediae in Europe, and initially in critical situations and in the event of conflicts. The participants has this forum will also examine the problems of the operation of the national mechanisms guaranteeing the freedom of expression, like their conformity with the standards of the SOEC and international. The purpose of this meeting is to develop recommendations on the application of the provisions and the declarations adoptees by the 55 Member States of the SOEC. The head of the Russian delegation Alexandre Iakovenko, director of the department of information and the press to the Ministry for the Businesses etrangeres will have to intervene has Vienna, like Freimut Duve, load has the SOEC of the freedom of the mediae and Minea Motoc, Secretary of State of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of Romania which preside has the SOEC.