THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT EAST ARRIVES A MOSCOW IN OFFICIAL VISIT MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Iranian president, Mohamad Khatemi, east arrive has Moscow for three days an official visit. It is the premiere visit has this level in the history of the relations between Russia and Iran. The its arrival day before in Russia, the Iranian president had declares that the co-operation of Russia and Iran in the policy fields, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and different, like in the international arene, answered the interests of the two countries. Iranian president A expresses the hope which its visit in Russia will pose a new base for the relations between the two countries and will contribute has the dynamization of the bilateraux reports/ratios in forms reciproquement acceptable for the two countries. During talks that Mohamad Khatemi will have with the Russian leaders, the parts will sign a draft on the principles of the relations and the co-operation of Russia and Iran, as well as joint declarations on the fight against terrorism, the international security and regional stability.