SERGUEI IASTRJEMBSKI WILL INTERVENE A A MEETING OF TRIPARTITE COMMISSION A LONDON LONDON, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Koudassov). Serguei Iastrjembski, assistant of the president will have to intervene Monday has a conference of the tripartite commission which will be held has London, learned RIA " Novosti " with staff from the assistant of the president. According to the program, Serguei Iastrjembski will have to intervene Monday, has the session pleniere meeting of the tripartite commission for the problems of the international security. The ex-first minister south-coreen Lee Hong-koo and the former ambassador americain have UNO Richard Holbrooke will have to intervene before midday. The annual conference of the tripartite commission has London reunit not badly policies and businessmen for the countries industrialize. This commission had ete fondee in 1973 per David Rockefeller and Zbignew Brzezinski to reunir conditions for various consultations between the influential representants of the countries industrialize. This commission is appelee tripartite because it examines the problems of the United States, Europe and Asia.