ADMIRAL KASSATONOV WILL INFORM THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF SA PARTICIPATION A THE ELECTION OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE TERRITORY OF THE PRIMORIE VLADIVOSTOK, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov). The admiral Igor Kassatonov, ex-first assistant of the commander as a head of the Russian Navy of war is awaited today has Vladivostok. He intends to inform the electoral commission of the territory of Primorie (the Extreme-East) of his participation has the election of the governor of Primorie, learned RIA " Novosti " has the territorial section of the movement panrusse for the support has the fleet which had proposes the candidature of Igor Kassatonov for the post of governor. Igor Kassatonov is does not have Vladivostok in the family of the admiral Vladimir Kassatonov, Hero of the Sovietique Union. Like his father, it east is devoted has the fleet having made a beautiful career, initially eleve of a school of the marine to finish the first assistant of the commander as a head. 12 people have already formless the electoral commission of their participation has the election of the governor of Primorie. To be made record candidate at the post of governor whose election is prevue for May 27, it is necessary to collect 15 000 signatures in its favour which must be presentees has the territorial electoral commission.