SIGNIFICANCE OF THE VISIT OF IRANIAN PRESIDENT A MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The official visit that the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohamad Khatemi, starts this Monday has Moscow is a major event in the relations between the two countries. It is not a question so much owing to the fact that the visit of the president iralien is the premiere effectuee has this level in the history of the reports/ratios of the Federation of Russia with the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the new design of the policy etrangere of the Federation of Russia, which has ete made public in July of the year derniere, Iran east quotes, with some other States very few, in the capacity as essential strategic partner of Russia. The situation which evolves/moves in a dynamic way in a vast area including the Large Caucasus, the Caspian one, the Central Asia, Afghanistan and, finally, the Middle East, or Russia and Iran historically have national interests which coincident sometimes, encourages Moscow and Teheran has to establish an active partnership. In Moscow as well as has Teheran of many experts relevent as " Russia and Iran is dedicate has to establish a partnership strategic ". For the president of the Committee of the defense of Douma (Lower House of the Parliament), Andrei Nikolaiev, " it are in the interest of Russia to have in the person of Iran a powerful State on the axis meridional ". Of its dimension, Teheran estimates that " Russia is a significant partner and a good neighbor of Iran, with which it is appropriate to develop multiform relations in the interest of the people of the two countries ". According to Hamidrsa Asafi, a high Iranian diplomat places, the "Iran considers the reinforcement of the co-operation Russo-Iranian woman like a factor securisant and tranquillizing in a vast area of the world ". In addition, the experts of the two countries point out that " Russia and Iran will still have to use the possibilities they have to develop the co-operation bilaterale ". According to them, the level of trade is far from corresponding has that of political collaboration. According to official figures', the turnover between Russia and Iran have ete in year 2000 of 600 million dollars. However, as thinks it the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia, Mehdi Safari, the two countries have in the only petro-gas sector a potential making it possible to carry the amount of annual trade has 1-2 billion dollars. It is not fortuitously that the Agreement on the principles of the relations bilaterales and the co-operation will constitute the principal document that the presidents of the two countries will sign has Moscow. It is about an outline agreement and he will not replace the lilateraux governmental agreements into force. The mediums of businesses of the two countries associate has this document of the plans of expansion and deepening of the co-operation in the economy, finances and the trade. According to them, the visit of Mohamad Khatemi " will conferera fresh impulse " with the development of the relations Russo-Iranian women in these fields. The presidents Vladimir Poutine and Mohamad Khatemi will also sign a joint declaration on strategic stability, the fight against terrorism, the international security and will expose their position with respect to problems as nonthe dissemination of the nuclear weapons, the respect of Draft ABM of 1972 on anti-missile defense, the extension of NATO towards the East, the role of UNO on the international scene as well as about current regionaux files.