A DELEGATION OF CYPRIOT PARLIAMENT WAITED TODAY A MOSCOW NICOSIE, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edvard Aslanian). A delegation of the Cypriot Parliament led by the president of the Parliament, Spyros Kyprianou, is awaited today has Moscow for a four days visit, has the invitation of the president of Douma of State, Guennadi Seleznev. During their visit in Russia, the Cypriot members of Parliament representant all the Cypriot political parties will discuss with the president the Lower House, Guennadi Seleznev, of the delegues of the Lower Houses and high of the Parliament, the presidents of the parliamentary groups, as well as with the persons in charge of the group of the friends of Cyprus has Douma of State. With the exit of its visit has Moscow, Spyros Kyprianou will go in Armenie or it will sejournera from the 15 to March 19 has the invitation of the president of the Parliament armenien, Armen Khatchatrian. In his voyage in Armenie, the president of the Cypriot Parliament will be accompanies by Bedros Kalaidjan, the depute of the diaspora armenienne at the Cypriot Parliament.