THE CROATIAN MINISTER FOR ECONOMY A MOSCOW FOR NEGOCIER THE TRANSIT OF OIL BELGRADE, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Ryabikine). A delegation of Croatian economists led by the Minister for the Economy, Goranko Fijulic, will arrive this Monday has Moscow to get along with her Russian colleagues about the transit of the crude by the Adriatique pipeline. According to RIA " Novosti ", the delegation will have a very significant meeting has the Agency for the quotas of export which grants to the Russian companies petrolieres the authorizations to export certain quantities of black gold. The Croatian economiqtes should also meet representants of " Loukoil ", the company which possede most significant quotas of export. In Croatia one expects has what " Loukoil " delivers some 10 million tons of crude whose transit by the Adriatique pipeline could bring back 80 million dollars of benefit. The delegation intends to examine with " Loukoil " the problem of the equipment sale intend for the refining oil. The Adriatique pipeline makes it possible to ensure the transport of 35 million tons of oil per annum. Currently it functions has less than 25 percent of its capacity. This year the managers of control plan to convey approximately seven million tons of crude to the refineries of Sisak, Rieci, Bosanski, Brod Novi Sad and Pansevo. Since Serbia introduced the monopoly of State on the oil imports and of the products petroliers and that the totality of the crude is acheminee by the Croatian pipeline, the managers of this last misent on an increase in the volume of black gold transports.