RUSSIA DOES NOT ACCEPT THE BRINGING TOGETHER OF NATO OF ITS BORDERS LONDON, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the leader of movement " Iabloko ", Grigori Iavlinski, A proposes " not to force " the process of widening of NATO whereas many international problems of size still awaited their solution. The bringing together of this military block of the borders of Russia hardly does not correspond has " our interests ", has Iavlinski regard. According to the leader of the movement " Iabloko ", the increased preoccupation of Russia has this occasion is argumentee one cannot better by the aggression of the Alliance of the North Atlantic against Yugoslavia, action completely doubtful from the political point of view. However, has note Grigori Iavlinski, Russia does not have anything against widening European Union (HAVE), but, on the other hand, greets same its bringing together of its own borders. Well more, Moscow is open A an effective co-operation with the UE and in particular with regard to the area of Kaliningrad. It is what one reads, in fact, in the memorandum of Iavliski, distributes, Sunday, among the participants has the conference of the " Tripartite commission ", not-governmental forum, gathering many policies and businessmen, which deroule, at present, in the British capital.