THE TALIBAN HAVE REJETE THE REQUEST OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF UNO OF ARRETER THE DEMOLITION OF BUDDHAS GEANTS ISLAMABAD, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vladimir Chreter). The taliban have rejete the personal request of the secretary-general of UNO, Kofi Annan, of arreter the demolition of the Buddhas geants in Afghanistan, A declares Sunday, at the time of a press conference has Islamabad, the Foreign Minister of the government of the taliban, Wakil Ahmad Mutawakel, at the end of talks which it had had with Kofi Annan and the representants Pakistani ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. Wakil Ahmad Mutawakel, arrives has Islamabad to meet the secretary-general of UNO, A declares that " the destruction of the statues is a business interieure of the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan ". The existence of such idols is contrary, according to him, with the laws of Islam and the execution of the decree of mollah Omar, leader spiritual of the taliban, will be menee until the end.