STILL A TERRORIST TCHETCHENE EAST ARRETE WITH THE DAGHESTAN MAKHATCHKALA, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Dekabr BEYBOUTOV /. the agents of the border of the Interior of Daghestan have arrete Sunday the terrorist tchetchene Vakha Majidov. It is suspect to have shoots in 1996 two agents of the militia in the district of Khassaviourt or they assembled the guard has the administrative border of Tchetchenie. In 1961, wahhabite enthusiastic, it had fought against the federal forces within the tape armee of Magomet Khambiev. Of the six gangsters meles in the assassination of the two militiamans daghestanais, one had ete keep silent on the spot in the exchange of shootings, and three had ete arretes later.