THE VISIT OF IRANIAN PRESIDENT A MOSCOW IS A HISTORICAL EVENT IN THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The visit of Iranian president Seyed Mohamad Khatemi has Moscow is a historical event in the relations Russo-Iranian women, A declares Sunday, at the time of a point of press has Moscow, the ambassador of Iran in Russia Mehdi Safari. The Iranian ambassador has note that it would be the premiere visit of such a level since 40 years. It will succeed has the signature of significant documents of which the Agreement on the basis of relation bilaterales and the principles of the co-operation and a Joint Declaration on the Caspian Sea, like several declarations relating to international and regionaux problems of actualite, according to him. The ambassador held has to stress that the visit of the Iranian president in Russia " is exclusively political and will not give place has the special examination of the questions of the co-operation technico-soldier ". The visit of president Seyed Mohamad Khatemi in Russia will take place from the 12 to March 15 on the invitation of the head of the Russian State Vladimir Poutine.