THE FONT CAN CONTINUE TO DISSIPATE PARTICIPANTS A THE ACTION " UKRAINE WITHOUT KOUTCHMA " KIEV, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Demidenko). The font can employ special means of protection, if the participants has the action " Ukraine without Koutchma " cause disorders again, but the weapon has fire will not be employee in any circumstance, A declares Sunday with the journalists Nikolai Djiga, vice-Prime Minister ukrainien of the Interior. Carrying its evaluation on the events of March 9 has Kiev, vice-Prime Minister A stresses that the police force had acted as strict conformity with the law and were has the defensive one. The font will act in an adequate way, if these actions are repetent, has it indicates. Djiga also let know that 105 participants has the action of protest " Ukraine without Koutchma " arretes Friday by the font during disorders in front of the residence of the head of the State ukrainien have ete relaches. According to him, the people arretees will be strike of fine to have disorder the law and order. The files of 23 other people are has the study with the courts, pointed out Nikolai Djiga. 73 participants has the action of protest remain in detention.