THE DANISH MINISTER FOR THE AE WILL DISCUSS A MOSCOW OF A BROAD RANGE OF QUESTIONS MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Danish Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Mogens Lykketoft, waited Monday has Moscow for a visit of work, will discuss a broad range of questions, related in particular has the strategic security, including with americains the anti-missile projects of deployment of the shield (NMD) and has the construction of a radar americain on the Danish island of Greenland, have advertisement Sunday has RIA " Novosti " of the Russian diplomatic sources. Moscow estimates that if Denmark accepts the construction of this radar, it is likely to be entraine in a process likely to cause a serious violation of strategic stability. The parts will also lean on the situation in Balkans and the development of the links between Denmark and the areas of the North-West of Russia, in particular with the area of Kaliningrad. Moscow is interested especially has the policy of Copenhagen in the Baltic republics resulting from the Sovietique ex-Union and has its active support of their intention of adherer has NATO. The Russian part proposes to once more express its negative attitude with respect to the projects of widening of NATO has Is. The Danish minister will be received by the Russian vice-First minister Viktor Khristenko and the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov. No document is prevu has to be sign during the visit.