ASTRONAUTS AMERICAINS HAVE ACHEVE THEIR OUTPUT EXTRAVEHICULAIRE KOROLEV (area of Moscow), March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyrev). The astronauts americains James Voss and Susan Helms which form part of the 2nd permanent team of the International Space Station (ISS), have acheve Sunday their output extravehiculaire, has advertisement in the Russian Center of control of the flights the spokesman of NASA Serguei Pouzanov. The astronauts who are arrive has the ISS last Saturday has edge of the shuttle americaine " Discovery ", preparaient the station has the stowing of a new module " Leonardo " conveys by " Discovery " and transporting scientific equipment. The Russian cosmonaut Iouri Oussatchev, commander of the ISS-2, A directs their work which has lasts 7 hours, has advertisement Serguei Pouzanov. At present, both Americains carrying of the diving-suits are in a lock bay of the shuttle of or they achevent the unloading and the automatic installation of the container " Leonardo " on the ISS using an arm mecanic. According to spokesman's, all the plates of the node of accosting of the ISS opened. So it A expresses the hope that the operation of installation of the module would be thus successes. But if need be, the astronauts can carry out another output extravehiculaire " to correct " the stowing of " Leonardo " have the ISS, have additions Serguei Pouzanov.