A COMMITTEE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE CRISIS IN THE CUS OF REPUBLIC A ETE CREE IN SERBIA BELGRADE, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). The governmental Committee of coordination has ete cree in Serbia for the payment of the crisis in the South of the republic or have redoubles actions the Albanian separatists. The Committee siege has Bujanovac, chief town of an area of the South of Serbia peuplee, essentially, of Albanian. The service of press let know has RIA " Novosti " that the committee was responsibility of control the Serb forces of security and Yugoslavians who it is prevu to introduce into this " buffer zone " situee between Kosovo and Serbia itself. The Committee will enterinera the action plans of the Serb font and the units of the Yugoslav armee in this area and will direct the structures of forces at the time of the implementation of these plans. The Committee is also responsibility of provide information. It is only entitles has to disseminate information and the declarations on the situation in the area which passes through a crisis.