REPRESENTANTS OF RUSSIA PROCEDERONT TO THE CONSULTATIONS ON ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE WITH THE UNITED STATES MOSCOW, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. the representants of the Russian ministries of the Businesses etrangeres and Defense will procederont soon with the consultations on the problems of anti-missile defense (ABM) with the representants of the administration americaine, has advertisement Valentine Kouznetsov, head of the direction of drafts international of the Russian ministry of Defense. The behaviour of such consultations on the level of the diplomats of the two countries has ete made possible after the administration americaine had let know its interest initially has this kind of contacts with its combine then with Russia and China. During these consultations, A underlines the vice-admiral, " the representants Russian will firmly defendront the standpoint of Moscow which considers it unacceptable the americains projects to set up a national system of anti-missile defense (NMD) which will cover the whole of the territory americain ". " Russia will follow with attention future the demarches of the Bush administration in the field of anti-missile defense and measurements which it will take in answer will be adequate has these demarches, said the Russian military person in charge. He does not have dismisses the assumption that the new leaders americains bring corrective measures to the projects of NMD works out by the preceding administration. " For the moment all the tests to which the United States has procedes in this field have fails. They have installation more questions than gives reponses on the way in which it is necessary to set up an effective ABM of the national territory ", A underlines Valentine Kouznetsov. It is perfectly possible that the new administration of the United States will end up being convinced that the design of NMD proposed by the old administration is only one " soap bubble ", has it indicates.