ADMINISTRATION AMERICAINE SE LEADS A THE REGARD OF RUSSIA LIKE A " SUPREME JUDGE " MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Chichlo). The administration americaine occupies the position of a " supreme judge " is the regard Russia and certain current high-ranking civil servants, A declares Sunday with the journalists Igor Selivanov, temporary executif Secretaire of the Russia-Bielorussie Union. According to Selivanov, the new administration americaine brOele of the desire " to give a lesson " has Russia and has some other countries, which did not do the administration preceding americaine. In the business of Pavel Borodine, executif Secretary of the State federe arrete in the United States, there is a " political element obvious good ". For the moment, no one does not know how much will last the investigation has its regard, but that blocks considerably the work of the Standing Committee of the State federe directs by Borodine, working body of the cabinet federe of the ministers, A indicates Selivanov. Answering has the question of knowing if the Standing Committee federe has investigation into the ways by which has ete envoyee the invitation has Borodine has to assist has the nomination of the president of the United States, Igor Selivanov said that this invitation had ete percue like that adressee with the executif Secretary. Pavel Borodine has ete arrete on January 18 has New York has the request of the Swiss autorites which show it violation of the laws of Switzerland. The high-ranking civil servant is currently in the prison of Brooklyn and awaits his extradition.