BELGRADE CONDEMNS THE REJECTION OF A CEASE-FIRE BY ALBANIAN COMBATANTS SEPARATISTES BELGRADE, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Ryabikine). The refusal of the combatants Albanian separatists operant in the south of Serbia to sign an agreement of cease-fire is a " serious failure ", A declares the Deputy Prime Minister Serb Nebojsa Covic. According to him, large the majorite of the alive Albanian in this area decides in favour of peace and a normal existence. It is also what desirent the Serb ones. That is besides prevu in the document which would have dOe to be sign Saturday, but at the last time the Albanian extremists have declares that it was " unacceptable ", said Nebojsa Covic. What it estimates, that is nothing different but an affront of a small group of extremists to the inhabitants of a whole area ". Belgrade had agreed has all the consessions and convinced the international community of its will to arrive has a payment of the conflict, A underlines the Serb Deputy Prime Minister.