RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES HAVE EXAMINES THE PROBLEM OF THE CASPIAN ONE MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Representant of the Russian president for the Caspian Sea Viktor Kalioujny has meeting has Moscow his/her colleague americaine Elizabeth Johns. According to the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, the conseillere of the president and the Secretary of State americaine for Caspian A expose the position of the new administration americaine with regard to the problematic Caspian one. Of his dimension, Viktor Kalioujny has informs the americaine part of unfolding of the negotiations on the new legal statute of the Caspian Sea. The parts are lengthily penchees on the ecological problems of the Caspian one. They also have considers a co-operation of Russia and the United States in this field. The parts were appropriate to continue the exchanges of opinions concerning the establishment of a Russo-americaine co-operation on the Caspian axis.