CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND AUSTRALIA IN THE SPACE FIELD MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russian government A accepts the proposal of national Agency aerospatiale on the realization of work united with the Australian company " the space Center of the Asia-Pacific ". A bearing decree on this co-operation has ete sign by Russian the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov. It is about the co-operation in the design of a news fusee " Dawn " and construction on the island of Christmas in Indian Ocean of a cosmodrome for the civil space launching of fusees. Russia will provide has the Australian company of the terrestrial equipment and the documentation of study and exploitation for the fusee " Dawn ". Russia will produce and provide in addition to fusees-carrying and of the blocks of acceleration, of the Russian specialists will procederont with the launching of space apparatuses from the island of Christmas.